Rack Adapter Plates for Thule Slotted Load Bars - Heavy-Duty Mounting Brackets
These adaptor plates giveyou the ability to attach 2 Thule slottedLoad Bars or Aero Bars to a Front Runner Slimline II Roof Rack.
If you currently own Thule Accessories and would like to use them with a Front Runner Slimline IIRoof Rack, you can use your Thule load bars or Aero Barsto mount your accessories (e.g. Bike Mounts or Kayak mounts) to the rack.
Works with both theSLOTTED-SQUARE and AERO Thule Load Bars. This adapter plate DOES NOT work with theThule rectangularload bars that do not haveslots (ie. the basic Thule load bar found in the USA.)
Works with:
Both the SLOTTED SQUARE and AERO Thule Load Bars.*A PDF viewer is required to view the fitting instructions.
Both the SLOTTED SQUARE and AERO Thule Load Bars.
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- Language: EN
- Filename: F_RRAC017.pdf
- Filesize: 620.79 K